New Archery Products Broadhead DK4 4 Blade 1 3/4″ Cut 125 Grain 3 Pack Mechanical NAP-60-DK125


5 in stock


New Archery Products

DK4 Broadhead

The DK4 represents the next level in broadhead development. This hybrid-mechanical broadhead features a pivoting main blade and two mechanical bleeder blades design for maximum penetration potential. Available in 100 and 125 grains.  1 3/4″ cutting diameter.

3 per pack.

The DK4 represents the next level in broadhead development. This hybrid-mechanical broadhead features a pivoting main blade and two mechanical bleeder blades design for maximum penetration potential. The main blade hit hard and deflects around very thick bone sections to maintain momentum and deliver true pass-through power. Spitfire spring clip technology holds the main blade in during launch and the bleed blades are guaranteed to open on impact no matter what your target.

  • 1 3/4” Cutting Diameter
  • Pivoting Main Blade with Front Deploying Bleeder Blades
  • No O-Rings or Rubber Bands
  • NAP’s spring-clip design holds your blades closed in your quiver and in flight, every time.

DK4 Broadhead

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